Monday, August 2, 2010

Tips For Treating Arthritis Pain

Treating arthritis pain for many is not as easy as it sounds. Many of you are suffering from pain in your joints that is causing you to miss out things you normally do. Quite of few of you are lying or sitting down because you are no longer able to walk because of the pain in your back and hips, and you dread the tasks that intricately involve your hands because they hurt too bad. In most cases you hurt all the time and you just want quick pain relief. If this sounds like you, then here are some herbal remedies to help you combat arthritis pain.

Many of you that suffer from the pain of arthritis take many pain relievers like ibuprofen and acetaminophen. However, taking these medicines on a daily basis can cause you to have long lasting and dangerous side effects like liver and kidney damage. Those with severe pain that sometimes comes with arthritis will do anything at times to get relief. In these times, side effects like these do not seem to be an issue.

What if you could get relief without taking those kinds of drugs every day? You can with some natural herbs that have both potent pain killing properties and antioxidants. How about an herb that will not only help to take away your pain but will also take care of the nervous tension caused by it? This herb would be Black Cohosh.

Also known as Black Snakeroot and Bugbane, this herb has been proven for treating arthritis pain and have great pain relieving properties. It has been used for a variety of medical ailments including many forms of arthritis. When it comes to using this herb, the form of arthritis you have will not matter.

You may also choose from other herbal remedies for your pain as well. Bogbean and feverfew have been used for hundreds of years in treating pain that comes from many sources. Yucca and Nettle have also been renowned for their effectiveness in relieving all sorts of pain.

The greatest part about herbal remedies is that you will have fewer side effects to deal with. You will not have to worry about organ damage and dizziness caused from some prescription and over the counter pain medications. Treating arthritis pain the natural way is the best way to becoming healthy because, not only are you becoming pain free, you are also healing from the inside out.

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