Saturday, October 30, 2010

How To Your Mood Swings

I don't know about you, but mood swings have to be some of the worst menopause symptoms that are out there. I felt terrible for my family because I'd literally snap at them for no reason, and it was miserable. There had to be a way that I could learn how to deal with mood swings and some way that I didn't have to act like this around the people I loved. This wasn't something that I wanted to deal with for a year or however long it was going to last, I had to find a way to control my menopause symptoms.

My husband was the one that actually noticed the mood swings; I really didn't see an issue until it was brought to my attention. It was honestly like being pregnant all over again, one moment I was fine and the next moment I was an absolute miserable mess. This had to end. I headed to my doctor, and they suggested that I go on an anti-depressant that would lessen the effects of the menopause symptoms and hopefully stabilize the mood swings. So, I gave it a shot. But it had some miserable side effects that made me stop taking it.

The mood swings returned and I was just as miserable as before. Actually, I think that my family was more miserable than me, but I felt terrible. So, one day, at lunch with a girlfriend that had been in my shoes a year or so ago, I brought up the subject. She just laughed, wrote down a supplement she had taken on a piece of paper and directed me to their website. I ordered a bottle immediately, they had a "try it first before you pay" option which I thought was pretty impressive, so I was able to try it and see what I thought of it. This wonderful all-natural supplement she gave me was an out for me when trying to learn how to deal with mood swings, it literally solved the issue all together. Even though I spent several months fighting my first signs of menopause symptoms, I am so happy they are gone out of my life now. If it wasn't for this miracle supplement I would still be experiencing those horrible mood swings

The Missing Ingredient

One more meeting about childhood obesity. We all get together and discuss once again: the causes, the challenges, the implications of childhood obesity... Today we talk about obesity and its comorbidities (diseases). Pretty scary talk for all the providers involved.

We see it day in and day out. We fear it day in and day out, but the worst part is that we can't figure out an efficacious way to convince parents. Some providers say it's all about portions, others say it's all about the processed foods we are eating, others say it's the school lunch..... What we all agree upon is that if we cooked from scratch and controlled portions, it would be the key to the epidemic.

We all get stuck with the same obstacle; it doesn't matter which approach is used to counsel families. How do we motivate parents to make changes? It's not a disease that will show itself right now. Like one of my colleagues said, parents have other immediate problems to attend to so they can't see such a distant future. Telling them that 10 years from now something bad is going to happen is not convincing enough. So we, the doctors, attend one more workshop for motivational interview and we try some more of the same things.

But it is only too little that can be changed. How can you be creative if the formula is so simple: what you eat minus how much you move = you. If you eat more and move less = you obese. So we are stuck, unless you as a parent want to change and help your family.

For lack of a better solution, we providers do the same thing, over and over again in the hope that one day, parents will come to this visit motivated to change. Then we can partner with them in their journey for a healthier life.

My goal as a pediatrician is to remind parents of their power to prevent and control childhood obesity. Parents have the power to change their home environment and influence changes in their schools and communities.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What Might Be Really Causing Your Arm Pain

It happens to all of us, at some point in our lives. We wake up in pain and we are not sure why it hurts. When the condition is arm pain, it can really be confusing and alarming, because sudden, sharp pain has traditionally been thought of as the hallmark for a far more serious condition: a heart attack. Many cannot remember whether that symptom is true when it is left arm pain or right arm pain and we rush off to the nearest emergency room. This can often lead to embarrassing situations when the patient finds out that it is something less life-threatening.

To keep you safe from panicked situations like the one outlined above, we will endeavor to explain the possible causes of arm pain, but we do ask that you remember one thing: any pain is nothing to be trifled with, whether you know the source or not. Any pain felt should be respected for what it is, and you should seek medical attention as soon as possible, no matter what.

Defining Arm Pain

There can be many different reasons behind sudden onset pain, almost as varied as the actual sensations felt by the person suffering from it. It can be minor or serious, and can vary from pain, sharp pain, numbness, tingling, shooting pain, electrical shocks all along it, sudden weakness or even a lack of control of that arm. And, it may not only be pain. It could possibly be chronic pain in the wrist that radiates up the arm or it could actually be shoulder pain that sends waves of muscle pain down the arm so intense that you think it is the arm and not the shoulder.

When you seek medical attention, it is imperative that you be as concise and accurate as possible when explaining what it is you are feeling to the attending physician. Your description will help to diagnose what is really going on, what tests should be run, and what treatment should be given. Only you know where it hurts, how much, as well as whether or not you are experiencing more than just "mystery pain".

Overuse, Aging Hormones and Allergies

Sudden pain located anywhere in the body should be cause for concern, and should be checked out by your doctor or chiropractor as soon as possible. Overdoing it during exercise will cause you to wake up with pain in places where you never had it before, and regular overuse of any muscle or joint can cause swelling internally that can place pressure on the nerves that run throughout, causing more problems down the line.

As we age, we will begin to feel twinges and aches all over, just like we do when we are coming down with the flu. Suddenly everything seems to hurt, and it can be quite puzzling to realize that you can no longer do things like you used to. Injuries, however slight, can also cause you to suddenly feel weakness and pain in adjacent areas, like shoulder pain, back pain and neck pain. The most annoying mystery of them all is realizing that the cause is a simple allergy or that spider bite that brings swelling and pain, but no super powers.

Pain can mean that you are out of alignment

A lot of people assume that you have done something traumatic to your body to require a chiropractic adjustment. That is simply not true, at least not for all cases. You can do repetitive tasks for hours a day, like at work, and eventually a disc or two will slip out of alignment. You will not notice the difference until you begin to feel pain or realize that you are walking differently, or unconsciously adopting a different stance.

You may wonder what that has to do with arm pain. Literally everything that has to do with your spine can have a cascading effect on the rest of your body. You could have a kink, crick or muscle strain in your neck which will cause you to hold your shoulders, back and arms in a stiffened position to avoid chronic pain. Get checked out, and see if a simple adjustment is right for you.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Agoraphobia Definition

What is agoraphobia?

There are two versions of agoraphobia definition. The original definition states that agoraphobia is a type of anxiety disorder characterized by the fear a wide open space. The word agoraphobia comes from the Greek word "agora" which literally means marketplace, plus the word phobia generally means fear. Combining these two words would then give you "fear of marketplace" as definition. In this version of agoraphobia Definition itself states that this condition is an abnormal fear of open space, situation, activity, or thing that makes a person want to avoid.

Later agoraphobia definition associates to other anxiety disorders such as panic attack and social anxiety with the development of avoidance behavior. This new version of agoraphobia definition is somehow different from the original one. The new version of agoraphobia definition states that agoraphobia is a condition characterized by the fear of losing emotional or physical control due to an ongoing panic attacks while being in a situation or place where panic attacks and escape may be difficult or embarrassing.

The severity of agoraphobia varies from person to person. Some people with agoraphobia live normally through keeping themselves away from any anxiety-provoking situations or to simply live away from places where there's too much crowd. They become relatively home bound or even bed bound or choose to confine themselves just to avoid the feeling of intense fear. Some more severe case would lead to insanity and addiction, which effect later on becomes suicidal.

If you have been suffering from agoraphobia, do not hesitate to look for agoraphobia help for proper agoraphobia treatment. There are now a wide array of options you can consider to help you in overcoming agoraphobia. Treatment for agoraphobia is provided by experts who are available offline and even online. Online programs are readily accessible which may come in a tutorial. The main objective of these programs is for your self-development for an effective agoraphobia treatment.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Physical Therapy For Broken Hip

A broken or fractured hip resulting from a serious fall or accident would require hospitalization. It may not be common among youngsters as they tend to have strong bones which can tolerate the impact better. While surgery may be required for some, physical therapy for broken hip would be necessary for all especially as one would eventually have to overcome pain and restore the body's range of motion.
Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Sessions

Rehabilitation and therapeutic sessions would commence as soon as possible. Physiotherapists start by helping patients walk. This prevents complications such as blood clots, joint stiffness and worsening of pain. A cane or walker would help patients in moving about gradually. Certain therapeutic exercises would help to improve the body's strength and mobility. The physiotherapists would assist patients in gait training for balance and coordination.

The therapy sessions are not limited to the hospital alone; some can be performed at home that may include functional training activities such as stretching and resistance training. This would enhance the body's endurance, thereby making it more capable of withstanding future accidents and reducing the chances of serious injuries.

The intensity, frequency and duration of the sessions required for the patient would be determined by the physiotherapists, taking into consideration the patient's age, type of hip fracture, level of mobility and many other factors. The condition of the patient would improve gradually in progressive stages. Some tend to recover faster while others may need more time and support. However, one should continue physical therapy till one is able to move about independently without pain or difficulty.

Treatment from Licensed Practitioner

Physical therapy for broken hip is very effective and safe if one follows the instructions to the point from a licensed practitioner. There are quite a few health care facilities which offer comprehensive treatment programs for all ages. Special counseling sessions are also given to help patients become more aware of their condition and help them exercise caution at all times.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Pilates Foam Roller

The Pilates foam roller is a simple piece of equipment made of high density foam. It is basically foam cut into a cylinder shape. With a similar affect to the traditional Swiss ball, the roller provides an unstable surface to exercise on. This makes the exercises harder and results in increased activation of the core. It is also commonly used by sports people as a tool to help with self massage, particularly in the leg muscles.

The foam rollers have become popular in many modern Pilates studios. They are affordable, compact and easy to store, making them ideal for the home Pilates studio. It isn't recommended that beginners don't use the Pilates roller without proper instruction. They can be quite challenging, and if the exercises aren't performed correctly can result in injury. They have their own unique repertoire of exercises.

For the those more experienced at Pilates, it is still advisable to gain one-on-one instruction before purchasing a roller to use at home. There are a few DVD foam roller packs that may also aid when starting out. The DVD's will show you a variety of exercises to try and how to perform them safely. By also buying a Pilate's ring and resistance bands, You can easily create your own min Pilates studio with a foam roller for very little cost.

As with starting any new exercise regimen, please consult your doctor to make sure that using the Pilates roller is safe for you. It is also recommended that you participate in a few private or small group lessons before trying the roller on your own.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Speach and Language Evaluations-What to Expect

What can you expect if you take your child for speech and language testing? Speech and language evaluations will vary depending on the speech-language pathologist and the child's age and abilities. Typically, this is what will happen:

1. Hearing screening-Because hearing is so critical to speech and language abilities, a hearing screening will probably occur first. This is not likely to be a thorough hearing test (which is generally performed by an audiologist), but a quick check that the child can hear a 20 or 25dB tone at about 4 different frequencies. If the child fails the test, a more complete hearing test may be warranted.

2. Oral-peripheral exam- The speech-language pathologist (SLP) will look inside the child's mouth for any physical differences that might contribute to speech difficulties, such as a tongue-tie, abnormally high palate, signs of a partial or sub-mucous cleft palate and an abnormal bite. Additionally, he or she may do some tests of tongue coordination or strength.

3. An articulation test-The child will name pictures that assess all speech sounds in all word positions. The SLP will also listen to the child in conversational speech to listen for additional errors and overall intelligibility.

4. Language tests-These can be quite lengthy and will assess vocabulary, syntax (sentence structure and grammar), comprehension, and appropriate use of language. Both receptive language (understanding) and expressive language (production) will be assessed.

5. Conversation samples will be taken and evaluated for articulation language abilities and possibly for voice disorders or stuttering, if these are a concern.

It can take quite a bit of time to score the tests and evaluate the language samples, so you will probably wait until another day to find out the results. If the only concern is articulation, voice, or stuttering, however, the SLP may be ready to discuss results and make recommendations right away.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Self- Hypnosis-It Works

Within each of us there lies the power to transform our lives, increase the spiritual richness of our existence, and bring about positive changes in our situation through the effects of positive visualization. All too often, this creative, trans formative power is locked away in a corner of our minds, imprisoned behind the stresses, tensions, or petty annoyances with which our thoughts are bombarded every day in this hectic modern world. Fortunately, however, there is a key that allows us to unlock this 'door' and set our mental energies free, ready to bring us inner peace, and giving us the inspiration to reach our dreams. That key is self-hypnosis techniques.

Self-hypnosis is a way of putting yourself into a hypnotic state where your mind and spirit can relax, and you can eventually begin to focus on positive visualization without outside distractions. The meditative techniques of countless religions and cultures have incorporated elements of self-hypnosis. Many doctors and scientists - beginning with the 19Th-century Scottish surgeon James Braid, who claimed to have cured his rheumatism with it - have also realized the effectiveness of self-hypnosis.

The practice of self-hypnosis is fairly simple, but requires enough self-discipline to begin doing it regularly, on a weekly or even daily basis. If you are planning to gain the benefits of self-hypnosis yourself, you should choose a time when you know you are likely to have free time for this mental exercise, and be certain to adhere to this schedule except in case of emergency. You should also carry out brief self-hypnoses at other times when you are undergoing exceptional stress, if you can find the opportunity to do so, and also when you are about to undertake some very important matter.

Choosing a comfortable, quiet place, you should sit or lie down in such a way that you do not need to tense your muscles to remain in a comfortable position. Make sure that you will not slump when you relax. Dim light is usually considered best, and some burn candles or incense to increase the soothing atmosphere. You then close your eyes and follow a routine of counting, with each 'count' being accompanied by a deeper relaxation. Once you are fully relaxed, you can immerse yourself in an imaginary inner sanctum, thus clearing your soul of tension, or you can engage in positive visualization to energize yourself for the achievement of your goals and desires.

Self-hypnosis is useful for relaxation, which in turn refreshes the mind. All the nattering urgency's of daily life are smoothed away in the inner calm of self-hypnosis, letting your soul take a deep breath, as it were, regaining its focus, vigor, and energy. The complete exclusion of the outside world is generally not possible, nor even necessary - you will still be registering some sensory input. But the important thing is to cleanse your mind of distractions and cares with the peace of the hypnotic state. Once you achieve this state, you will find that you emerge from your self-hypnosis sessions with your mental powers strengthened, your alertness sharpened, and your mood lifted.

These self-hypnosis techniques also help with the goal of positive visualization. In positive visualization, you replace the negative mental roadblocks of thinking about what you lack, with the positive, invigorating image of what you want and need. Releasing all effort to rationalize a plan that will bring you to your goal, you focus on the goal itself, and let your creative imagination roam freely, so that your intuition can find the best course to pursue without interference from your conscious mind. You then follow your "gut" feeling about what you should do next, trusting in your positive visualization to bring you to the desired result while letting your instincts choose the exact course to follow. Self-hypnosis is an immense aid to this technique, creating an inward tranquility that allows powerful visualization and opens your mind to attunement to the wise prompting of your subconscious.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Cavity Free Kids Top Tips

Sedation and Phobia Dentist providing dental treatment in Brighton and near Cordon, UK

I was at a Children's Party this Summer for a fellow classmate of my 4 year old son. I was talking to one of the mums there about her little boy Charlie and his recent experiences with the Dentist. I had mentioned to her that I was a Phobia Dentist, treating people who were really nervous of going to the dentist so she explained all.

Charlie had a cavity. His mum knew about it already, she had spotted a black mark on one of his baby teeth. Charlie was complaining about this tooth every time he ate so it was obviously starting to cause him pain. Charlie hadn't been to the dentist yet, she dint feel he was old enough to understand and probably wouldn't have kept still in the chair.

Mum was already absolutely mortified, was she being a really bad mother? Had she been feeding her child lots of sweets? Was Charlie not brushing enough? Her child was in pain and she believed it was her fault, how could she have let this go unnoticed? Was it her fault her child was suffering? The guilt was already building up and really would not be helped by what happened next.

So, she went to a local dentist. It really didn't go well. Firstly, the Dentist AND the Dental Assistant made the mum feel so small, so patronised for allowing Charlie to have sweets and fizzy drinks, not brushing enough and not having been to a dentist earlier to prevent the cavity from appearing in the first place. Mum knew all this already, was already feeling guilty, so that guilt was absolutely confirmed by the Dentist. Mum at this point is wondering where the exit is.

The Dentists starts to have a go at Charlie, telling him he's having too many sweets and not brushing enough. Charlie is getting worried, he's being told off by two strangers who have masks and gloves on, with a bright light shining in his face. If you've seen horror films before, isn't this sounding familiar?

Then the dentist proceeds to try to fix the problem with his drill. High pitched noises of the drill, lots of water spray, high powered suction to get rid of the water, Charlie really isn't happy, he starts crying. The Dentist isn't having it, is losing his patience, "don't be silly, lie still, it wont hurt".

Mum plucks up courage and says to the dentist "tell you what, we will leave it there, I'll go somewhere else" and walks out.

The challenge now is to persuade Charlie that going to the Dentist can be nice and fun, not scary, it can be comfy and gentle, no one has to tell you off. The challenge now is to get the filling that needs doing done without making worse the dental phobia that is starting to build in Charlies head. The challenge now is to carry on dental treatment without needing Dental Sedation.

The dentist had been trying a very old fashioned Health care approach. In that one visit, he was trying to fix the problem with the tooth, prevent the problem coming back by "not so gentle" rebuking, thinking that that will improve the child's health. Sure if it works, that will improve health in the very short term, but Charlie wont be going back to a dentist in a hurry and if he does develop further problems with his teeth its going to be a lot harder to treat. So, long term health care is being jeopardised by trying to improve Charlie's health in just the one visit. You still hear of stories of Dentists restraining "difficult children", although as a practice it is thankfully dying out.

So, how do we prevent our Children getting to this situation in the first place? Fortunately it is not too complicated.

The little known Truths about Kids Cavities

Cavities in baby teeth are very common, especially in areas where there is no Fluoride in the water. So if you think that you are the only mum or dad to have a child with a cavity, think again! Cavities in baby back teeth often start without any signs at all and are difficult to spot in the early stages, even for a dentist. Often the first sign there is of a problem is an black or grey mark in top of the tooth, and probably a obvious dent where the top of the enamel has broken down. Cavities are surprising easy to start. You don't need lots of sugar, lots of sweets or fizzy drinks, we often see children who have lots of sweets (freely admitted by parents) with no sign of cavities. The question is WHEN rather than HOW MUCH.

Teeth are under acid attack from plaque bacteria all day, even with the best brushing in the world. The reason why cavities aren't forming all the time is that the enamel has the ability to repair itself, often called "re-mineralisation". Let's have a look what happens to the tooth from a single hit of sugar:

1. Sugar hits the teeth from most meals, sweets, cakes, drinks etc.
2. The bacteria on the teeth turn the sugar into acid
3. The acid starts to weaken the enamel
4. The sugar gets washed away over the next few hours by the saliva
5. As the sugar levels in the mouth drop, the bacteria run out of their food and stop producing acid
6. The minerals in the Saliva deposit back into the DE-unrealised areas and re-hardens them.
7. The tooth returns to normal.

Any sugar, whether it is hidden in foods or milk, or pretty well "neat" has the ability to cause a cavity. The problem comes when the teeth don't get a chance to rest between attacks and remunerates. Have a look at those points again but this time, insert more sugar in that two hour period of rest. When the sugar gets reintroduced in that few hours, you go back up to the top of the cycle again. More and more DE-mineralisation occurs and soon a cavity forms.

So it really isn't whether you have five biscuits or one in between meals, if you don't give the teeth a rest, a cavity will develop.

So, the best plan is to keep sugar to around mealtimes, avoiding the cheeky biscuit in between meals and make sure that no sugar hits the teeth at least on hour before bedtime.

The challenge of brushing Kids teeth!

As we said earlier, even the best brushing in the world cant rid your whole mouth of plaque bacteria, little children cant floss particularly well, kids brushing is often sporadic (it can be in my house) so you do the best you can! As dentists, we believe that one of the main reasons for brushing, apart from reducing the amount of bacteria about, is to get Fluoride onto the teeth. Fluoride is well proven to strengthen teeth in lots of ways, as they develop in the jaw but also as they re-minerals, repairing teeth with stronger reinforced enamel, more resistant to acid attack.

Twice a day with a suitable level of Fluoride is normally recommended but if your child is at risk of cavities, it may be sensible for your dentist to supplement the fluoride intake with drops or chewable tablets. I would advise against the use of Non-Mint toothpaste because it is a nightmare to get kids off the fruity ones onto quite strong tasting adult mint toothpaste. Kids toothpastes come in mild mint flavours which are quite pleasant. Kids toothpastes don't contain too much fluoride so it is alright for kids to suck on their brush after they've cleaned.

The one other piece of advice is to avoid brushing immediately after high acid foods and drinks, like citrus juices and fizzy drinks. The loose enamel gets brushed away and thins the teeth. Leave it at least an hour.

Sounds obvious, but a Healthy diet is very useful

A good healthy diet is essential, including roughage. High fibre foods are very good at reducing plaque build up as they knock bits of plaque off the teeth, more liquid of soft diets allow food to push and get stuck in between the teeth. The is a whole article that could be written about Healthy diet for good teeth, there just isn't space here. Just make sure it is balanced and everything in moderation!

Regular Positive Dental Visits

Find a good dentist who is understanding, fun and patient with children. Get them in early, say around the age of two, bring them with you for your checkup, just to see you in the chair, don't hurry them to get in the chair and have a checkup, if your child is showing signs of reluctance to sit in the chair, don't force the situation, keep it light and leave it for a month or so. Any pressure early on from parent or dentist, not allowing the child to get naturally settled with the idea of showing their teeth to a stranger, can affect their confidence and slow down the amount of time it takes them to trust the "stranger" dentist.

Find a dentist who likes Preventative Dentistry, we have some great technology available to us now like the Discontent Laser Cavity detector, which can find cavities before x-rays, without you feeling anything.

Read some stories with your child about "Going to the Dentist" a few days before their visit. There are lots of fun books out there that are great at reducing the initial scepticism that the child may have. One tip though, read the book yourself first in the bookshop before buying, don't read them any book that introduces the words "pain", "fear", "hurt". Believe me, I've found books like that. If you start associating a trip to the dentist with these words even slightly related, the child will wonder why. Avoid these words at home, phrases like "it wont hurt" have the opposite intention on a child! Keep all your talk positive, explain what the dentist will probably be doing, the ride in the chair, the dental mirror, opening your mouth wide "like a lion roaring", counting your teeth and the bribery of the sticker. A child who understands will be more likely to get in the chair without apprehension.

So, to summarise, it is quite easy to get cavities in kids teeth, they can be prevented by rationing sugary things to mealtimes, giving the teeth a break in between, the best brushing you can get with a kids Fluoride toothpaste and above all, keep very positive about going to the dentist, avoiding associations with negative things like pain, fear and hurt. That way your child will be able to have long term confidence in the dentist and dental nurse, making any future treatment easier to achieve.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Start A Healthy Habit by Yoga Basic

Studying the yoga basics can really help you to understand the real essence of what yoga is all about. If you are interested in learning about yoga and how to perform it, starting with the basics is the way to go. This will help you decide if this type of exercise is right for you. For starters, you can search online for resources that teach about yoga and its different aspects.

What will you get from studying basic yoga?

1. The basic poses

Through yoga basics, you will learn the poses and forms needed to get you on your way to a healthier life. You can try out some of the classes in your local community centers. These classes provide you with an easy introduction to yoga and from here on out, you can decide if you still want to continue or not.

2. Increase in stamina and flexibility

Immediately after starting out the yoga classes, you will surely feel
much stronger and flexible than before. This is one of the factors that attract individuals to this activity.

3. Keep yourself fit

Becoming fit and staying that way is another thing that people desire. But, it isn't often that people succeed in this department. What if there is a way that you can transform the way you look and feel without so much rigid activity? This is yoga, by doing these exercises you find yourself having more energy throughout the day without the pain in your muscles. So say goodbye to those slugging mornings.

How to master yoga?

If you really want to make yourself healthier, then it is ideal that you practice your yoga basics every day so that you can hone your skills. But, if you feel that you are ready for more and want to move on with yoga, there is an advanced level. You see, yoga is all about building upon other skills, so you have to master each skill first before you go on to the next.

Is breathing important in yoga?

Breathing skills is very important when it comes to yoga. This should be studied very carefully and you have to make sure that you fully understand all of the procedures and concepts. So if you have any questions regarding the breathing aspects of yoga, you have to make sure that it is fully answered before you move on.

Learning the yoga basics will really help you to understand the entire yoga exercise. So don't skip this or else, you will just waste your time.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Massage Theropy Simply For Pleasure

Massage therapy is not always performed in the same way. There are many varieties. When a body is stressed, there is muscle tension which can create pain and improper function.

While many people may still believe that massages are simply for pleasure, there is growing realization that they are actually very helpful to their recipient's health. Massage therapy can be performed in a variety of ways.

It is almost like religions in that the main beliefs and goals are similar but the methodology is not. Since many practitioners are now recognizing the intense mind-body connection of a human being, mental ailments are also seen to be helped by massage. Touch is such a basic human need that without it infants fail to thrive and marriages can fail. Marriage counselors are now advising couples to have a minimum of seven minutes of physical contact each day in order to ensure a happy union. Neck rubs and back rubs can fill the bill.

There are many options of massage therapy touch available in countries around the globe. Some examples include:

Ayurvedic: This is a form of natural health care which originated in India. It is a combination of touch, yoga, herbs and meditation. Heated oils also play a part in ayurvedic.

Barefoot: Barefoot deep tissue systems work with stretching, transverse friction, compressing, utilizing trigger points and combines eastern and western techniques.

Balinese: These motions are subtle and intended to relax the person receiving the treatment. Aromatic oils are used to add an additional sensory element.

Hot stones: Hot stone technique involves heating up smooth river rock and placing them on specific locations on the body. This heat relaxes muscles and is combined with touching.

Bowen: This was developed by a man named Tom Bowen and involves rolling motions. Joints, fascia, ligaments and tendons are addressed as well as the musculature. It does not involve as much rubbing friction as other methods but rather a light touch.

Reiki: Reiki is a bit different from what is traditionally thought of as massage but it is bodywork. Reiki practitioners heal and move energy without actually touching the skin surface but instead feel and work with the energy above the body.

Breema: In this sort of bodywork, an individual would remain dressed and would be manipulated by stretches which are performed rhythmically.

Deep tissue techniques: This methodology targets a deeper range than many other types. The masseuse applies quite a bit of force and pressure to certain body regions. Deep tissue is a good way to address pain which has resulted from athletic strains.

Lomi Lomi: Lomi Lomi originated in Hawaii and involves heat and pressure. It is also popular on the island of Samoa. Depending on which island a masseuse was trained, each interpretation may be a bit different than others.

Swedish: Swedish strokes are lengthy and flowing in order to create relaxation. Tapping motions may also be utilized and are said to help with arthritis and joint pain.

Although the styles of massage therapy may be different, they share a common goal. That is to create well being and relaxation in their recipients.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Lower Blood Pressure Tips

You can lower your blood pressure naturally. In many cases the natural steps you take can get you off medications for good. Or if your doctor has told you that your readings are high and you'll need a prescription, you can avoid that - but only if you take action.

What you need to do is to explore all of the natural approaches to lower your blood pressure. There are many, and all it usually takes is finding the right two or three and sticking with them. But everybody is different, and the high readings you are possibly experiencing can be driven by different factors.

That's why discovering what works is vital, and why sticking with the steps which work is also vital!

Your doctor will always want to take the drug approach. All of his training tells him that is the right thing to do. Doctors do not want to rely on their patients doing the work because they know most of them will make great promises and then not go through with them. And that puts the doctor at risk for liability issues.

He won't take that risk! Nor should he! So it is up to you to research and implement the natural methods yourself. Then give your doctor results and not promises!

Lower Your Blood Pressure Tips

Relaxation: Stress is not good for your blood pressure. Indeed, doctors will always tell you that they don't diagnose hypertension until there have been three consecutive high readings because the anxiety about the test can actually cause a spike all on its own. So relax and put on a gentle CD once a day. Make some time to empty your mind of all of the worries and stresses of life.

Smoking and Alcohol: You should quit smoking. It is hard, but if you are already showing signs of high blood pressure the last thing you want is to be also scoring bad results for other risk factors! Also, moderate your alcohol intake. Alcohol can raise blood pressure, although many studies show that a glass of red wine can help. Be sensible about your alcohol intake. And make sure to drink lots of water to flush your body of sodium and other contributors to symptoms.

Exercise: Light exercise for 15 or 30 minutes even three days a week can really help a lot. It's good for your overall health. Surely you can set aside that amount of time for your well-being!

Eat Sensibly: Incorporate vegetables and fruit into your diet. Reduce consumption of processed foods and salt. Make sure your body weight is in the normal range for your height and age and take steps to address that if you are even a little over weight.

These are just some tips to help lower your blood pressure.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Home Treatment for Cystitis

If you are suffering from the terrible pain caused by this condition, you may be wondering what options you have in respect of home treatment for cystitis. Indeed, there is much you can do yourself rather than resorting to antibiotics which are rarely the best choice.

In general, your best approach is to use a multifaceted approach which uses a number of steps together which can help both to give you symptomatic relief from the burning pain and to eradicate the source of the infection itself.

Before beginning using home treatment for cystitis, take a couple of minutes to assess your symptoms. If any of the symptoms below apply, then you should seek a doctor's opinion as you could have a kidney infection which, if left untreated, could potentially cause damage.

* Severe back pain or pain in the abdomen
* Pain just below the ribs
* Nausea accompanied by a fever
* Blood in the urine

Providing you do not have any of the above symptoms, then you can try home treatment for cystitis. The following tips should help:-

* Drink at least 2 liters of water daily. Not only will this help to flush out bacteria, but it will also ensure that there is some urine to pass, rather than experiencing that excruciating, empty pain
* Drink a couple of glasses of unsweetened cranberry juice whilst the infection persists. This can help to prevent bacteria adhering to the bladder walls
* Wear cotton panties rather than restrictive clothing which can trap bacteria, making the problem worse
* Do not eat sugary foods, as sugar can feed bacterial growth
* Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks and alcohol
* Avoid using perfumed products around the vaginal area as these can upset the delicate balance
* Urinate whenever you feel the need to-even if it might be painful
* Use a heat pad on your abdomen to relieve the pain somewhat

If your infection has not lasted for more than a few hours, then home treatment for cystitis may be all you need. However, if you have had pain and discomfort for more than a day or two, you may wish to consider a completely guaranteed, speedy method to eliminate your pain and infection.

If you visit my site, you might like to take a look at the symptom checker which will alert you if you need to visit a doctor. In addition, there is further helpful information on how to stop the pain from a UTI in just a few minutes, and you will be completely pain-free the following day.