Thursday, October 14, 2010

Lower Blood Pressure Tips

You can lower your blood pressure naturally. In many cases the natural steps you take can get you off medications for good. Or if your doctor has told you that your readings are high and you'll need a prescription, you can avoid that - but only if you take action.

What you need to do is to explore all of the natural approaches to lower your blood pressure. There are many, and all it usually takes is finding the right two or three and sticking with them. But everybody is different, and the high readings you are possibly experiencing can be driven by different factors.

That's why discovering what works is vital, and why sticking with the steps which work is also vital!

Your doctor will always want to take the drug approach. All of his training tells him that is the right thing to do. Doctors do not want to rely on their patients doing the work because they know most of them will make great promises and then not go through with them. And that puts the doctor at risk for liability issues.

He won't take that risk! Nor should he! So it is up to you to research and implement the natural methods yourself. Then give your doctor results and not promises!

Lower Your Blood Pressure Tips

Relaxation: Stress is not good for your blood pressure. Indeed, doctors will always tell you that they don't diagnose hypertension until there have been three consecutive high readings because the anxiety about the test can actually cause a spike all on its own. So relax and put on a gentle CD once a day. Make some time to empty your mind of all of the worries and stresses of life.

Smoking and Alcohol: You should quit smoking. It is hard, but if you are already showing signs of high blood pressure the last thing you want is to be also scoring bad results for other risk factors! Also, moderate your alcohol intake. Alcohol can raise blood pressure, although many studies show that a glass of red wine can help. Be sensible about your alcohol intake. And make sure to drink lots of water to flush your body of sodium and other contributors to symptoms.

Exercise: Light exercise for 15 or 30 minutes even three days a week can really help a lot. It's good for your overall health. Surely you can set aside that amount of time for your well-being!

Eat Sensibly: Incorporate vegetables and fruit into your diet. Reduce consumption of processed foods and salt. Make sure your body weight is in the normal range for your height and age and take steps to address that if you are even a little over weight.

These are just some tips to help lower your blood pressure.

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